ROS2AR Create 2D Scan

Create 2D Target

1. Think of an image / pattern which will be used scanned to be used for recognition

Image Targets represent images / patterns that Vuforia Engine can detect and track. The Engine detects and tracks the image by comparing extracted natural features from the camera image against a known target resource database. Once the Image Target is detected, Vuforia Engine will track the image.

If you want to know more about image targets you can find more details here.

2. Create 2D target

2.1 2D Target Scan

Open the application and from the menu select the following option: 2D Target Scan.


2.2 Give a name to the 2D Target

The camera view will be launched and you can take a picture for the image / pattern you had in mind. After giving a name for the photo, press the OK button.

2.3 Go back to the main menu of ROS2AR

After the progress message disappears, you can go back to the main menu of the ROS2AR application.

3. Testing the created target

3.1 Launch 2D Image Recognition

From the main menu select the following option: 2D Image Recognition


3.2 Search for already scanned images / patterns

When the camera view appears you can point your camera towards the already scanned image / pattern.

3.3 Get status for recognized image / pattern

If the image / pattern is recognized the application will display the nodes configured for the equipment and their status.

A Demo Video With Image and Model target

Create 2D Target: 0:03

2D Image Recognition: 1:17