ROS2AR Create 3D Object

Create 3d Target

1. Think of an robot / object which will be used scanned to be used for recognition

Model Targets enable apps built using Vuforia Engine to recognize and
track particular robots / objects in the real world based on the shape of the object.

If you want to know more about model targets you can find more details here.

2. Create 3D target

2.1 3D Object Scan

Open the application and from the menu select the following option: 3D Object Scan.

2.2 Vuforia Scanner

You can follow this link to create a new 3D object target with the Vuforia scanner.

2.3 Go back to the main menu of ROS2AR

After you finished the scanning you can go back to the main menu of the ROS2AR application and wait until the progress message disappears.

3. Testing the created target

3.1 Launch 3D Object Recognition

From the main menu you select the following option: 3d Object Scan

 3.2 Search for already scanned robot / object

When the camera view appears you can point your camera towards the already scanned robot / object.

3.3 Get status for recognized image / pattern

If the robot / object is recognized the application will display the nodes configured for the equipment and their status.

A Demo Video With Image and Model target

Create 3D target: 0:18

3D Object Recognition 1:27