ROS1 and ROS2 Setup for ROS2AR

Table of contents

Installing ROS1

Installing the prebuilt ar_monitor package

Download the package:

You can download our package binary package from Bitbucket repo:

Installing the package

Open the Downloads folder in a new terminal:

sudo dpkg -i ros-[version]-ar-monitor.deb

Unless not installed explicitly, you should install the rosbridge-server package.

sudo apt-get install ros-[version]-rosbridge-server

Do not forget to source your ros version after opening a new terminal (or place it in the bashrc file for automatic sourcing):

source /opt/ros/[version]/setup.bash

Run or Launching the ros node:

Launching the status_server node:

Open a new terminal:

Running the status_server node:

Open a new terminal:

Open a new tab in terminal:

Testing on local packages

Open a new terminal:

  1. Launch the status_server node

  2. Calling the service of the node (in a new tab):

For example:

Running ROS1 kinetic in Docker

Installing Docker:

Pull the docker image:

Running the docker container:

Running the image in multiple terminal:

** In this docker image is included the ardrone_autonomy package for testing.

Example of running the nodes in docker

Open a new terminal:

In a new terminal:

Using rosbag for simulating a drone:

Open a new terminal:

In a new terminal

In a new terminal

In a new terminal you can see the values of the drone

ROS2 Setup

Installing ROS2

Do not forget to source your ros version after opening a new terminal (or place it in the bashrc file for automatic sourcing):

Download the ar_monitor prebuilt package:

You can download our binary package from Bitbucket repo:

Installing the ar_monitor package

Installing the .deb file

Open the Downloads folder in a new terminal install first the dependency for the package and the package itself:

Run or Launching the ros node:

Launching the status_server node:

Open a new terminal:

Running the status_server node:

Open a new terminal:

Testing on local packages

Open a new terminal:

  1. Run the status_server node

2. Calling the service of the node (in a new tab):

For example :


Using the ROS2 ar_monitor Package with ROS1 and Android

Create a new ros2 workspace in a terminal:

Cloning the ROS2AR repo and extract the ros part

Clone the ros1_bridge to the created ros2 workspace:

Build the packages:

Running the all necessary nodes for ROS2AR project with ROS2 adaptor:

Open a new terminal and launch the rosbridge websocket for ROS1

In a new tab

In a new tab

In this way you can access the ar_monitor package both from ROS1 in ROS2 and vice-versa.

Running ROS1-ROS2 Docker and the ar_monitor snap package

Installing Docker:

Pull the docker image:

Running the docker container:

Running the image in multiple terminal:

Example of running the nodes in docker

Open a new terminal:

In a new tab:

In a tab

Installing and running ar_monitor package with snap

Installing the snap command:

Downloading and installing the snap file:

Download the snap file from Bitbucket: ros2-ar-monitor.snap

Running the snap file

You might need to run the following variable export in case of complaining against libgtk3:



Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.
More information: ROSIN.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.